Showing posts with label Free Essays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free Essays. Show all posts

Friday, July 30, 2021

Valedictory address

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on valedictory address. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality valedictory address paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in valedictory address, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your valedictory address paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

graduation day is always looked forward to with so much excitement and anticipation. this occasion brings a potpourri of emotions among the graduating class. this day, i am privileged to share with you a some of these feelings reflective among the members of the graduating class.

first and foremost of these feelings is, we are thankful to our parents, teachers and above all the Lord God Almighty. our parents have given so much of themeselves. they have labored long hours and made so many sacrifices just to provide us with quality education. for this, we will never be able to repay them. likewise, our parents have given their knowledge, experience and dedication so much so that parts of what we are today is due to their efforts. we acknowledge with deep gratitude and appreciation the significant contributions of our teachers to our academic success.

we are privileged, is the second of our mixed feelings - privileged because today wee occupy center stage on this momentous occasion marking a milestone in our lives, our graduation day.

we are proud - proud to be members of the graduating class of our alma mater, making us products of this noble and prestigious institution.Write my Essay on valedictory address cheap

we are honored- honored by the concerted and special attention being showered to us especially the activities to prepare us for this memmorable occasion.

we are challenged- challenged by the grat expectations of the school and our parents who have given so much to us.

we are happy- happy to see all of us making it through graduation

we are excited - excited over the prospect of going to college and making new friends.

and lastly, we are hopeful- hopeful that all of us will go to college to pursue the goals that we have set for ourselves.

to my fellow students, as we leave our school, let us bear in mind that this is another challenge for us, for we are about to face a broader, wider and deeper area of life. we must face the call of the times to be an asset in the society. yet, above all, we must strive for the best.

so, from the innermost chamber of our hearts, we say farewell and til then long live all of us!

Please note that this sample paper on valedictory address is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on valedictory address, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on valedictory address will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap essay writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Goal of Public Speaking

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Goal of Public Speaking. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Goal of Public Speaking paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Goal of Public Speaking, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Goal of Public Speaking paper at affordable prices!

My ability to speak publicly is an essential tool in the field of teaching. Speaking publicly allows me to express my ideas and knowledge with certainty. The public speaking course that I am enrolled in now will prepare me to effectively communicate to other individuals with confidence. Though I may speak well to my peers, there is still room for improvement on my part, because I find it very difficult to speak in front of large audiences. I am setting goals for this class with hopes that these goals will enable me to become a better public speaker.

Every time I get in front of a group of people to speak, I can feel my heart racing, and my palms sweating. Or maybe it's the amount of people in the room that cause me to be very nervous. Suddenly, I start talking too fast, or stumble over my words. I want to conquer the fear of standing in front of people. I will do this by reciting my speech in front of a large group of my friends; I will also practice my speech in an empty classroom.

I want to be able to clearly express my ideas so that I grab my audience's attention. The only way that I can do this is if I spend a lot of time in preparing for, and researching my speech. I will also recite my speech in front of the teacher before my actual graded speech. This will help me to see the mistakes that I made, so that I can improve.

Lastly, I want to believe in myself. Ever since I entered this class, I have been having thoughts that I will get nothing higher than a "C." I am very unconfident, especially because I did very horrible on the first quiz. All weekend, I complained to my friends that I was going to fail the class, because of the quiz and because I feel that there is no way that I can deliver an "A" speech. I will overcome these thoughts by trying to think positive, and by working hard in this class. I also ask that you (Ms. Gesmundo) encourage me. Write your Goal of Public Speaking research paper

After writing this essay, I feel a little bit more confidant. I cannot give up. Besides I am in this class so that I can learn to become a better public speaker, there are no prerequisites to this course. If I keep these goals in mind throughout the semester, I should do well.

Please note that this sample paper on Goal of Public Speaking is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Goal of Public Speaking, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Goal of Public Speaking will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, April 26, 2021


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on bombs. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality bombs paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in bombs, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your bombs paper at affordable prices!

I Introduction

• Short story of waking up to the news of my favorite bar being bombed

• Give stats of total deaths since conflict began

• Thesis

Write your bombs research paper

Aside from the brief news clips that CNN covers once in a while, most people are unaware of how bad the situation really is in Israel. So from my own experiences and conducting my own research, I will explain just how badly terrorism affects Israelis on a daily basis. I'll be covering how and where terrorist activity occurs, the reasoning behind a terrorist, and finally what steps can be taken to prevent terrorism.

II How and Where Terrorist activity occurs

• Terrorist activity happens on just about a weekly basis in Israel

• Majority of attacks are suicide bombing

• Bombers attack public places to maximize civilian causalities

o Ex. Restaurants, hotels, busses, clubs, bars, etc..

• Explain type of bombs used

(transition Now that you know what a suicide bomber does, I'll explain just why they commit these acts of terrorism)

III Inside a suicide bomber's mind

• From a young age Palestinian kids are brought up to hate Jews

• most Palestinian families live in poverty, while the leadership have many palaces

• suicide bombers' families are paid by rich Arab leaders

• they are brainwashed to thinking they will go to heaven for their deeds

(transition You can see how part of the main problem of preventing suicide bombings is that since Palestinians are taught to hate Jews from such an early age, they are just about impossible to reason with, so Israel must come up with other ideas to stop the terror)

IV Preventative Measures

• Most effective preventative measure is increased security

o Ex. Guards at the entrance of most public places of business

o Road blocks at the entrances to Palestinian territories

• Proper education of the public to spot a terrorist

• Negotiate with Palestinian leadership to come to a cease fire

V Conclusion

• As you can see there is no simple solution to Israel's terrorist problems

• Hopefully this speech will give you a better understanding of what its like to live in a country plagued by terrorist attacks

• Thankfully, the terrorist attacks have finally slowed down in Israel, but there is still much work needed until the country will be at peace.

Please note that this sample paper on bombs is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on bombs, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on bombs will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Sunday, February 28, 2021


If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Benzene. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Benzene paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Benzene, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Benzene paper at affordable prices with cheap custom writing service!


In 18, Mr. Michael Faraday, an English scientist, was the first to discover benzene through his investigation of heating and illuminating oils from it. In 1865, a German chemist named Friedrich August Kekule found benzene in the coal and came up with "the hexagonal structure" for benzene shown to the right. The story behind this structure is that Kekule one day took a nap and dreamed of the chemical structure of benzene. He mentioned there were long rows, sometimes more closely fitted together, all twining and twisting in snake-like motion. But look! What was that? One of the snakes had seized hold of its own tail, and the form whirled mockingly before my eyes.

Scientists spent a lot of work to know more about benzene. Benzene is an aromatic molecule that is similar to the hydrocarbons like alkanes. Most aromatic hydrocarbons are based on benzene.

Custom Essays on Benzene

Characteristics of Benzene

Benzene is a member of one type of hydrocarbons called aromatics. It is a colorless toxic liquid with a sweet odor. It is very volatile and flammable. Its content is the most effective factor in controlling total toxic air pollutants.

Intensive Properties


78.114 g/mol

5.5 °C

80.1 °C

0.8786 mg/cm

.77 g/L

1770 mg/L

Natural Recourses for Benzene

Benzene can be found different environments like

Crude oil underground

Cigarette smoke


Forest fires


Benzene Bonding

It is unsaturated for having three pi bonds. However, it is somehow stable due to the pi electrons delocalization that makes the molecule bonds hard to break. Benzene has two structures that relate to the electron delocalization which accounts for the resonance phenomenon as follows

Benzene Reactions

Benzene does not undergo addition reactions. However, it can undergo substation reactions in four major reactions as follows

Producing Benzene

In industry, benzene can be produced in several methods. There are two common processes to produce it

Hydrodealkylation of toluene (HDA)

Toluene + Hydrogen ® Benzene + Methane

C6H5CH + H ® C6H6 + CH4

But there is a side reaction that produces diphenyl

Benzene Diphenyl + Hydrogen

C6H6 C6H5) + H

The Main HDA Process

Please note that this sample paper on Benzene is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Benzene, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on Benzene will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from cheap custom writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, December 18, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Jimmy. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Jimmy paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Jimmy, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Jimmy paper at affordable prices!


All he wanted was a big yellow truck, but instead he got me. Everyone has that certain person that they admire and perhaps even have pestered every single day since the time they were born. For me, that person is my brother. Jimmy is only 1 months older and one grade level higher than I. This allowed for us to be very close and have many of the same friends. Since day one he has meant everything in the world to me, and I, like many younger sisters, have followed from his lead and learned from his experiences and mistakes. There is a special bond between a brother and a sister like no other. My brother and I have this bond. I know that no matter how many fights we get in or how much time has elapsed between seeing him, we will still stick together and stand up for one another. We have been through a lot together and I consider him my best friend. We have laughed and cried together; shared thoughts and many memories; loved and lost; and bickered and argued. We have been through so much that it is sad for me to see him go.

This past spring I had the honor of sitting in the audience at his high school graduation. I will never forget the pride I felt when his name was called and he casually strolled up to receive his diploma. For an instant in time I could picture myself being the one up on the stage, hearing my name called, and walking over to the principal to receive my diploma. The event that was taking place was very exciting for Jimmy, as well as for me. This is because he has become a mature person and he has changed. I knew that this meant the end of one chapter in his life and the beginning of a whole new life long journey, as soon he was going off to college and I would be an only child. The whole idea of being an only child seemed like a great thing to me at the time. I still had all summer to argue over who had the car that night or who was going to empty the dishwasher. It didn't hit me that things were going to be different without him here and that I was not going to see him everyday, until I realized that he was gone.

Him leaving and trying to further his career has inspired and motivated me to want to strive and succeed to do my best and attend my college of choice. I am very excited for this upcoming year, and I cannot wait for the new chapters I will be opening in my life soon. He may not have gotten the yellow truck that year, but he got a special gift that is forever.

Order Custom Jimmy paper

Please note that this sample paper on Jimmy is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Jimmy, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Jimmy will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, November 9, 2020

Use of Information Technology in Business

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Use of Information Technology in Business. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Use of Information Technology in Business paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Use of Information Technology in Business, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Use of Information Technology in Business paper at affordable prices!

This essay discusses the strategic role of Information Technology in business management and its global implication. This essay further discusses evolution of business and information technology systems. Use of the internet has helped business to make a strong impact on the globe. Information technology has changed the global organizational structures. Information technology helps achieve the organizational goals and objectives in different ways. The discussion elaborates upon the uses of Information Technology in different management functions. Technology effects an organization's productivity, cost-effectiveness and ability to influence the society.

To discuss the effect of technology on business, let us first discuss the evolution of businesses and management systems. In ancient times, the business involved more face-to-face conversations. The societies were small; people knew each other and exchanged goods and services. The type of business was bartering. Then currencies came and the function of businesses changed. The businesses were not the exchange of goods, but about buying and selling of goods and services. A major development occurred with the industrial revolution, which brought in mass production and mass marketing. This brought in the demand for specialized and skilled people. All these developments progressively changed the organizational structures and functions (Levine, Locke, Searls and Weinberger, 000).

In the recent times we have seen the technology advancing at a faster pace. For instance, it required 50 years to commercialize telephones but it only took five years (Amor, 00) for the internet to be common. There were few multi-national companies prior to the advent of internet. The internet has provided younger companies to do e-business and grow globally. It took many years for the companies, such as GE (founded in 18, with its market value of 8 in 1), IBM (founded in 111, with its market value of in 1), Wal-Mart (founded in 16, with its market value of 11) to reach their present positions. On the other hand, the relatively young companies using e-business, either reached or surpass the old blue chip companies. For example, Microsoft (founded in 181, with a market value of 48), Lucent (founded in 15, with a market value of 0) and Cisco (founded in 184, with a market value of 0). In 15, the number of public internet companies was four; in 000 the number was 16. The combined market value rose from $1. billion to $451. billion. This indicates the number of companies in creased 40 times. In addition, the combined market value of these companies increased 00 times.(Wilson, 1). This depicts the strategic role of information technology to increase the investment in businesses and their globalization.

For the purpose of illustration, let us take Ford Company. It uses Information Technology in all its important management functions. The Information Technology Department has three core groups Process and Technology Group, Application Development Services and Information Technology Infrastructure Group. "The PTG is responsible for knowing the business and the technology, and identifying opportunities to improve both. Our departments are Manufacturing & Supply Chain Systems, Product Development Systems, Global Consumer Systems, and Management Systems." Similarly, the Application Development Services "is the engine behind our support of Ford Motor Company. We are responsible for software architecture, delivery, maintenance, and support across the life cycle." And "Information Technology Infrastructure is the framework that holds it all together." (Company Official Cite, 00). The senior management of the Ford Company looks towards the Information Technology Department to assist them right from the inception of a new vehicle through the entire product life cycle. The Information Technology department also provides backbone support to the suppliers and consumers. The Information Technology department does business process re-engineering and integrates the best practices to achieve the management's goals and objectives.

Order custom research paper on Use of Information Technology in Business

Let us do an analysis on our sample company. First, we find that information technology is an integral part of decision making within the management. However, the core business of the company is not information technology but we find extensive use of it. The senior management of the company starts business cycle of a product (a car for example) with the help of IT. The car is designed, simulated and test even before going to its production stage. IT department uses business process re-engineering to suit each new product by employing the best practices within the organization. The IT department is responsible, accountable and has multi tasking individuals. They know and understand the business practices of the organization. This leads to a matrix structure of the organization. This also indicates that Ford is able to achieve its objectives with less human resources. In this information era, companies with less people perform better because they are easier to manage. Since IT department is involved at every stage of the product life cycle, Ford is able to optimize the available resources. Ford is able to respond to the changing market conditions quickly because of the backbone support of the information technology department. Its sales and marketing, customer service and production departments can effectively communicate to reposition themselves in the changing market at a minimum possible time. (Ford's Official website, 00). The same applies to many other organizations that are using information technology for all of their important management decisions.

Technology is an "industrial arts" (Price, 16). It is not restricted to schools of engineering only. Technology is available in the society as well as people in the organization. Successful organizations cater to society needs using new and innovative technologies. Since the technology is available anywhere in the globe, successful organizations adapt them and increase their productivity.

Most of the organizations do not strategically manage technology. They fail on three accounts. First, they are unable to understand the status and trends of the technology for their competitive advantage. Second, they focus too much on product technologies but fail to focus on process technologies; especially the information technology for their business advantage. Lastly, they are unable to accurately assess the cost and time of converting market need into demand. Information technology demands companies and management to perform effectively and faster than their competitors (Price, 16). The main objective in the information technology is to deliver the services as soon as possible. Corporate people feel an urgency because of the increasing resource requirements for technological advancement. This same implies to the accelerating rate of global technology diffusion (Price, 16). At this moment in time, the management balances the complexities of people and technology; along with the goal of earning maximum profit.

Always when human beings live in present, there are perceptions regarding future. A primary concern among the people is where will these advancements of technology lead them? No one has the accurate answer to this. The future management would be more based upon the virtual employees (Armor, 00; Malhotra, 001; Perseus Publishing, 00). The speed at which the technology proceeds might make it harder for the businesses to decide on how to approach certain things. Technology will perhaps quickly outstretch human's ability to perform as effective as technology. Businesses, management and life require serious and quicker adaptations to change. In order to do these, people must understand that technology is the changing factor that is most responsive to creative styles in management action. It all boils down to the adaptation of technology in the profit of organization, people, profit of business and mainly the globalization of the company. Over the internet, the world has access to a single business. This builds closer relation with the customers and employees (Perseus Publishing, 00). Shopping online allows and provides the flexibility to customers of time to market. Putting the business on the net, will require less people to manage and therefore reduce the cost. An example of it can be seen in the type of a bank ING Direct. ING Direct only has its head offices; however, the transactions and other financial tasks are performed over the net. It is a neat way of attracting customers and lowering down the costs as well. On the contrary, the e-businesses might build some concerns. For instance, the channel conflict and increase in competition. Due to increase, a major concern is regarding customer acceptance and pricing. This leads us to the two types of businesses that will be common in future, such as, service providers and service developers (Armor, 00).

In the nutshell, the strategic role of information technology is evident from the beginning to the present and from present to the interpretation of the future. Now, every business uses technology in one form or the other to make the task easier and increase productivity. These changes lead to the infrastructure of the formation of business management. Due to this change, the organizational structures are changing to more of a matrix form. Since the businesses need to grow, they globalize. Now, the most effective way to globalize as we see in using the information technology. This is clear now that technology provides management the means for coping with the changes in the internal and external factors to achieve competitive success and the fact that the evolution of technology has certainly changed our view and life style of society.

There is bibliography....however, i do not have it with me anymore.

Please note that this sample paper on Use of Information Technology in Business is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Use of Information Technology in Business, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Use of Information Technology in Business will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, October 5, 2020

Finance case

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on finance case. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality finance case paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in finance case, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your finance case paper at affordable prices!

The proposed acquisition of land by HRI does not seem to fit the original business pattern of HRI as it was set at inception of the company. As the case states the founder of the company engaged HRI in the purchase of underdeveloped acreage, which was then developed, for industrial use. In addition it is stated that the company's plan from inception had been to deal in only the most potentially profitable land acquisitions. The acquisition of new property seems to in line with the company's business plan, but since the case explicitly states that it likes to buy undeveloped property, this new proposed purchase might be out of line with the original intentions of the company's founder. If however the new property is fairly priced as the case states that it then the company may make a wise business decision to buy even though the property is already developed and is currently occupied by a well-built office building. The forecasted increase in EBIT looks attractive at 0%, which might also make the decision a bit easier to make.

. If HRI uses debt to finance the new acquisition of property then the company may increase the current debt ratio. This increase in the debt ratio could hurt HRI's triple A rating with bond rating companies, which could in turn drive up the required coupon rate that investors will want in order to supply the capital that HRI needs. The new bond issue will affect the company's income statement as shown below modified from the example in the case. The case states that their will be an increase in EBIT of 0%.

EBIT $5,,840Order Custom finance case paper

Less Interest (,75,000)

Taxable income $,47,840

Less Taxes (0%) (74,5)

Profit after-tax $1,748,488

The second option given to the company is a stock offering of 00,000 shares of common stock, which the company will net $0 per share. Issuing common stock has its advantages. No interest payments to make and possibly no downgrade in the company's rating. In issuing common stock the company will have a new set of challenges to face. First the company must decide what the investors required return will be and then HRI must ensure that it earns an adequate return on it's assets in order to compensate the investors. HRI must make decisions regarding dividend policy, and must ensure that an adequate amount of growth takes place in order to keep shareholders happy. The third option that the company has is to offer preferred stock at a net to the company of $.50. This would have the company issuing about 64,171 new shares of preferred stock. With preferred stock yield of 8% HRI will have a mandatory dividend payment to make. This dividend payment would not be tax deductible like the interest payments on a bond issue. The company may wish to offer cumulative preferred to ease investors or, the shareholders may want other provisions that protect their equity investment in the company which might restrict some capital budgeting decisions of the company. Because of the current income offered to shareholders who own the preferred shares the stock can be sold at a premium, there by reducing the total amount of shares issued, which can serve to protect against diluting the equity interests in the company. Given the three financing options available I would choose the bond issue and make them callable to take advantage of downward swings in interest rates. I would also be drawn towards the tax shield available through the bond issue.

Some useful information in answering question is the amount of total interest payments that the company will be making with the new bond issue. This tells us additional yearly liability the company must prepared for. The applicable tax rate for the company helps us to calculate the tax shield and after tax liability of interest payments. Information about investor sentiment may also be useful to the company before issuing the bonds. A good economic and industrial outlook will help to know where the economy (interest rates) might be heading. This could aid the company in deciding whether or not to offer callable bonds or preferred stock.

HRI's total debt to total asset ratio before the acquisition is 47.66% and after the acquisition is 5.4%. The company's times interest earned ratio before the acquisition is 1.86 and after is 1.8. The calculations are below.

Before acquisition

Total debt/Total assets = $5,500,000/$5,500,000 = 47.66%

Times interest earned = $4,410,700/$,75,000 = 1.857

After acquisition

Total debt/Total assets = $5,600,000/$5,800,000 = 5.4%

Times interest earned = $5,,840/$,75,000 = 1.8

The difference in the debt-to-asset ratio result from the greater degree of financial leverage in using more debt financing.. There is only a small increase in the times interest earned ratio. This may not be entirely accurate due to no new information being given in the case regarding cost of sales. I assume that this is worked out since it is suggested that we use the EBIT, which would account for revenue and COGS. The small difference in the times interest earned ratio may be due the difference in increased EBIT and the increase in interest as a result of interest payments (in the case of the debt financing).

A sinking fund provision requires that company's periodically set aside funds that will be used for the retirement of it's preferred stock issues. The money is used to purchase the preferred stock in the market or to call the stock. Using a sinking fund with a call provision can effectively place a maturity date on preferred stock, which normally does not have a maturity date. This would have the preferred shares selling at lower yields than preferred shares with no sinking fund provision.

This question is similar to question . Information about the flotation costs of the new equity issue would have been helpful. Also industry comparisons would have helped. By comparing certain ratios of HRI to the company's industry peers we can better assess the health of HRI, especially in the context of the proposed acquisition.

A probability estimate regarding EBIT after the purchase can help create "what-if" scenarios that can help the company see as many possible outcomes as is necessary. The estimates can be based on level of income from rents derived from the building or on the salvage value of the building, possible sale price. A probability estimate after the purchase can help the company gauge when to possibly sell the property or to most efficiently manage the property. For example if the probability estimate tells management that there is 65% chance that increased income generated from the property (the case says the company will keep the property and manage the building) will drop by 5% in fourth year (found from industry forecasts) then the company might know when and how to prepare for a change in the value of the property or cash flow or how to diversify itself so if the possible outcome does occur will have no ill affect to the companies earnings to serve protect shareholders.

Alternatives to financing the new property have been provided. I assume the finance department is aware of the flotation costs, and other issuance costs associated with the new common and preferred stock issues, and other costs data for the debt issue is provided. The investment bankers should provide how the new equity issue might change the EPS of the company's stock, and perhaps an industry outlook as it relates to the new investment purchase. The bankers could also provide to the company protective provisions that preferred shareholders might want or need in order to invest in the stock. Likewise the investment bankers may act as the bond trustee working with the bondholders and overseeing the relationship between the bondholders and the bond issuer. Then the investment bankers could provide the indenture, which provides the specific terms of the credit, the bondholders', rights, the issuer's rights, and responsibilities of the investment banker or bond trustees.

If debt is used to finance the new acquisition then HRI will be dealing with a new total debt to total asset ratio of 5.4%. At the company's current constraint of a maximum of a 55% debt to asset ratio, the company is left with the ability to have .06% in additional borrowing.

The flexibility of financing comes in how easy the company can manage certain requirements of that particular financing such as debt interest payments. The bond issue will legally obligate the company to make interest payments to bondholders. The after-tax cost of debt is 4.0% (7.00%(1 - .0)). The company itself can set the yield on the preferred stock so long as it is in a feasible investment range for investors. The ease at which these requirements can be met can help to define the flexibility of the financing alternative. In these terms the most flexible financing alternative is the common stock issue since HRI does not have pay any dividend if it chooses not to. I would say the most risky financing alternative is the bond issue since a failure to make interest payments may lead to bankruptcy. Also in terms of risk is the probability estimation as it relates to the new investment. For example, what is the probability that the proposed investment will actually increase EBIT by 0%? A probability estimate will show the inherent risk in owning the new property from an investment perspective. In the case of income we can measure in terms of after-tax profits that the company can generate on new assets being purchased with the new financing. Obviously the higher the percentage return on investment the better. How the company's income will be affected by the new financing is also a major concern; how the new financing alternatives affect the key earnings ratios. This could be called financial risk, which is a direct result of the firm's financing decision. This risk applies to the additional risk or variability of earnings available to common shareholders, and the additional chance of insolvency to the common shareholders caused by the use of additional financial leverage. In terms of income, business risk is a concern. Business risk refers to the variability in earnings before taxes and interest has been paid. Business risk is a result of the company's investment decision.

Please note that this sample paper on finance case is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on finance case, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on finance case will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, August 24, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on STRESS. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality STRESS paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in STRESS, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your STRESS paper at affordable prices!



ABOUT STRESS Help with essay on STRESS

What is stress?

What does 'stress' mean? You are about to write an exam? You're stressed. Awaiting for your results? You're stressed. Relationship lousy ? You're stressed . Problem at work ? Health worries? Too much pressure all around ? OK, so you're stressed. Isn't everyone.

Life without stimulation or challenge would be intolerably boring and reasonable amounts of pressure heighten our arousal and performance.

Like job satisfaction, stress is not a precise term and it is used in slightly different ways by different authors. Approaches to the study of stress have taken different forms, as shown below

· as an organism's response to a demand or to events that challenge it (Seyle, 176);

· as an event external to the individual that places demands upon him/her (Kahn, 164);

· as a characteristic or the environment that poses a threat to the individual (Caplan et al.,175);

· as a state that results from a misfit between a person's skills and the demands placed upon him/her (McGrath, 176).

Stress is seen either as something external to the individual, or as an internal state or as an interaction between the two.

Why the Concern about "stress"

· Stress can be DANGEROUS- lack of concentration can cause accidents.

· Stress can be COSTLY- key people may have to leave because of ill health.

· Stress can be DAMAGING- irritability , let alone poor commitment to the employer, may give an organisation a poor public image.

The Costs of Stress.

The total annual cost to the country of work related accidents and ill-health is estimated by the health and safety Executive to be between 11 billion pounds and 16 billion pounds (Davies and Teasdale 14). 7 billion of this total is accounted for by workforce stress (Rochez 14).

Between 50 and 60 million working days are lost through stress.(Institute of Management 16).

Almost 1 in employees suffer from occupational STRESS ( European Commission 1).


What is stress

Stage 1

· speeding up

· talking quickly

· eating and drinking faster

· working at high speed and for long periods of time, without tiring ( at the time).


· irritability

· dyspepsia and gastric symptoms, e.g. heartburn

· tension headache

· migraine

· insomnia, loss of energy

· comfort tricks alcohol, smoking

· increased intake of food, etc


· cotton wool head

· gastric ulceration

· palpitations, chest pain, cardiac incident

· depression and anxiety

· tiredness, lack of energy

· physical or mental breakdown.

How the Body Responds to Stress

· The body stimulates hormonal changes, including the production of the 'STRESS HORMONES' adrenaline and noradrenaline

· Muscles tense ready for action

· The pupils of the eye dilate

· The heart beats faster to get extra blood to the tense muscles and this raises blood pressure

· The extra blood for our muscles means that we need more oxygen and so we breathe more quickly

· The liver releases glucose to provide extra energy for our muscles

· Our digestive systems shut down so our mouths go dry and our sphincters close

· We sweat in anticipation of expending extra energy

· Our immune system slows

Causes of Stress


· too much work

· too little work

· time pressure / deadlines

· poor physical conditions

· mistakes

· too many decisions


· role ambiguity

· role conflict

· too little responsibility

· no participation in decision-making

· responsibility for people

· responsibility for things

· lack of managerial support

· increasing standards of acceptable perfomance

· organisational boundaries (internal and external)


· poor relations with boss

· poor relations with colleagues and subordinates

· difficulties in delegating responsibility

· personality conflicts


· over-promotion

· under-promotion

· lack of job security

· fear of redundancy / retirement

· fear of obsolescence

· thwarted ambition

· sense of being trapped


· restrictions on behaviour

· lack of effective consultation and communication

· uncertainty about what is happening

· no sense of belonging

· loss of identity

· office politics


· divided loyalties

· conflicts with family demands


· personality

· ill-equipped to deal with interpersonal problems

· inability to cope with change

· declining abilities

· lack of insight into own motivation and stress

· fear of moving out of area of expertise


· recurrent headaches

· ringing in the ears or frequent head noises

· frequent use of self-prescribed drugs

· palpitations and chest pain

· frequent heartburn, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, being full of gas

· feeling that you may pass out

· getting any illness that is around

· loss of former concentration or loss of reliable memory

· a new difficulty in thinking around problems

· a new inability to reach satisfactory decisions

· a feeling of being very low or dulled

· a shut-down in all emotions except anger and irritation

· all joy, laughter and pleasure have dried up

· active love and caring have lessened or disappeared

· tears seem very near frequently for no reason


The release of adrenaline and steroids associated with stress causes various physiological changes, such as

· increased blood pressure;

· increased muscle tension;

· increased sweating;

· release of glucose and fats into the blood;

· dry mouth.

These physiological changes can be directly related to the observed outcomes of stress in individuals.

However, studies have suggested as association between stress and the following illnesses

· long-term depression;

· ulcers;

· allergies;

· headaches;

· coronary heart disease;

· cancer;

· asthma.


When you have confronted the cause, you can deal with the effects. There are two ways; you can prevent stress build-up by increasing your energy levels.

At the same time, you should treat the symptoms. For plenty of energy you need a good night's sleep. Cut back on coffee, tea and cola (it's the caffeine in them), especially late at night. Watch your alcohol intake and the cigarettes.

Eat a balanced diet- take extra vitamins B an C for your energy levels, and try natural herbal remedies. Get a good night's sleep every night and you're half way there.

It is important to eat regular meals- do not skip meals. Try and keep the consumption of convenience foods to the minimum, as many of them contain large amounts of sugar and salt.

Try and drink at least a pint of water a day to offset dehydration.

Consuming large amounts of alcohol will neither solve your problems or improve your health. REMEMBER the recommended maximum levels of alcohol PER WEK are

MALE 8 units

FEMALE 1 units


It is VITAL to include a period of relaxation each day. Not only it will help increase your coping resources, it will make the remainder of your time more productive.

Some people do this by doing something they have already discovered to be relaxing. For example

· Listening to music

· reading

· having a bath- with perhaps the addition of essential oils

· just sitting for a few minutes and daydreaming


It takes as little as only three thirty minute sessions to increase your level of physical fitness. Although the exercise may make you tired it will also stimulate you and help you to combat the negative effects of stress.

Exercise will

· release the tension

· make our bodies stronger and better able to cope with the debilitating effects of stress

· make us feel better about ourselves

· increase our energy and stamina



Taking regular breaks is important.

It helps you work efficiently and to be less tired at the end of the day.

1. If you are going to be working on one task all day, take a walk at lunch time.

. Take a couple of minutes break, every so often throughout the day, to change your position.

. Allow yourself 10 minutes to yourself a day. Pencil in an appointment with yourself.


To tackle the actual symptoms, relaxation techniques really do help, so try massage, meditation, exercise and yoga. NONE OF THESE WILL MAKE THE CAUSE OF YOUR STRESS GO AWAY- ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT -BUT DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT IS THE BEST WAY TO START..

If any of these symptoms of stress sound familiar or if you are experiencing two or more of these symptoms, it very likely you are not facing up to something that's bothering you and causing you stress. It's important you acknowledge this problem and tackle it as soon as possible.



Primary prevention Stressor-directed.

Managing personal perceptions of stress

· Constructive self-talk

· psychological withdrawal

· recognising the inevitable

· disputing cognitive distortion

· changing in behaviour pattern

Managing the personal work environment

· Planning

· Time management

· Overload avoidance

· Other methods( social support, task variation, leave job)

Lifestyle management

· Maintaining a balance

· leisure time use

· Sabbaticals

Secondary prevention Response-directed

Relaxation training

· Progressive relaxation

· The relaxation response

· Meditation

· Medical Hypnosis and autogenic training

· Biofeedback training

· Momentary relaxation

· Traditional methods

Physical outlets

· Aerobic exercise

· Recreational sports

· Flexibility and muscular relaxation activities

· Muscle strength and endurance building

Emotional Outlets

· Talking it out

· Writing it out

· Acting it out

Tertiary prevention Symptom-Directed

Counselling and psychotherapy

· Symptom-specific programs

· Individual psychotherapy

· Group therapy Career counselling

Medical Care

· Medications

· Surgery

· Physical therapy


Please note that this sample paper on STRESS is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on STRESS, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on STRESS will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Why was Africa colonised in the years 1870-1914?

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Why was Africa colonised in the years 1870-1914?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Why was Africa colonised in the years 1870-1914? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Why was Africa colonised in the years 1870-1914?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Why was Africa colonised in the years 1870-1914? paper at affordable prices!


Before 1870 the African continent was not unknown to the rest of the world. Africans had been trading directly with the Europeans and Americans before 1500. The possible reasons behind colonialism that have been suggested include missionary, technology, and Imperial rivalry.

It is important to try to distinguish between the difference in the terms colonialism and imperialism. They have often been exchanged such that they follow the same meaning. However the English Oxford dictionary definition implies that colonialism is a method of establishing colonies while imperialism is defined as a policy or practice of extending a states rule over other territories.

To remain a great nation or to become one, you must colonise French statesman Leon Gambetta (Joll 10, p.81) Write your Why was Africa colonised in the years 1870-1914? research paper

The interest in Africa had begun long before 1870. The British had a key interest in Egypt while the French had occupied Algeria since the Early 180s. However regardless of the fact that the Europeans had a foot in Africa they still felt the need to set some ground rules for the scramble of her land. This was achieved via the international Berlin Conference during 1884-1885. One of the main reasons behind the conference seemed to be due to be the British occupation of Egypt in 188. This had aggrieved other powers, as they wanted to claim terriorty elsewhere.

The reasons for the colonisation of Africa are vast, as the demand and manner of colonisation varied from country to country.

It has been argued that one of Britains main needs for land in Africa was result of her need to protect India from political threat and secure routes to India. India was the Brightest Jewel in the Imperial Crown (Hobsbawn 1, p.6), which resulted in her being a focal point in the British foreign policy. This seemed to drive the British scramble for Africa during 1880s and 180s. An example of this was the construction of the Suez Canal, which resulted in the formation of a much shorter and safer route to India after 186. Thus Egypt became a great stragertical importance to Britain. Although British occupation of Egypt in 188 had originally been the result to protect investor interest in Egypt, its retention was seen to be due to the fact that it was of vital section to the route to India. The further expansion in Central and East Africa appeared to be the result of British preoccupation with regards to the security of Egypt. Of significant importance was the Upper Nile, as control of this by a rival power would lead to the loss of control of the water supply on which the whole of Egyptian economic life depended.

Germany and Italy need to expand into Africa seem to be a matter of national prestige rather then an economic advantage. During the late 1880s and early 100s Italy was a vastly overpopulated nation. A great number of the Italian citizens travelled abroad to find work. Thus the concept of having an empire in North Africa (Tunisia being less then 100 miles away from Sicily) was seen an opportunity for land in which the Italians could settle, similar to the French settlers in Algeria. However most importantly it provided an opportunity to create a new Roman Empire in terriority that had been once of Ancient Romes richest provinces. The Italian idea was destroyed when the French had obtained a protective over Tunisia in 1881. By 180 the Italians had control in Eritrea and Somaliland. After the Emperor of Ethiopia had denounced his treaty with the Italians, they chose to attack Ethiopia, which lead to there defeat at Adowa. This had lead to a hatred of the idea of colonies in Italy and the embarrassment felt by many Italian people played a significant part in why Mussolini attacked Ethiopia in 15.

The Germans need for African land was not the result of economic requirements but more a sense of dissatisfaction at his position in the world during the end of the 1th century. The colonies Germany obtained in South West Africa and Tanganyika were a symbol to the Germans that had achieved the status of world power. However the Germans associated the construction of a large navy with the acquisition of colonies (an idea held The Kaiser). The building of the navy was seen by many Germans as the only true method of gaining world status since its interest in Africa were mainly in terriority occupied by the British. Although the British were suspicious of the German Navy the Germans saw this as a means of breaking the British worldwide dominance.

After 1870 the French extended her North African, where Algeria had already attracted a number of French settlers, by placing a protectorate over Tunisia in 1881. The French had also played a protectorate over Morocco in 11. The French reasoning behind this was because disturbances on the Algerian border required French action in Morocco as a way to keep order. The French scramble for Africa was comparable to the British in terms of terriorty, but as it was on mainly situated around the lands of the Sahara, it offered little opportunity for French investment.

Throughout the 180s the Anglo-French rivalry in Central Africa was the main theme in the diplomatic relations between the two countries. Part of these relationships involved the French gaining concessions and favourable commercial and frontier agreements from the British, as the British trying to keep as much of Africa open to the greatest possible amount of British trade and influence. Their rivalry came to a head in 188 with a confrontation at Fashoda on the Upper Nile. The conflict arose due to the meeting of a French expedition that was sent across Africa to stake a claim to the territory, with a British force that had just successfully reconquered Sudan. The French realise that to oppose the British in Africa was not there means, unless they had the support of Germany in Europe, the cost of which would be the renunciation of Alsace- Lorraine for good. It was felt that this was far to high a price to pay for any French Government. This stance was further backed by the fact that the French Government never had its publics backing for its quests into Africa. Algeria (a French colony) had a large population of French settlers, and under the Third Republic this was thought of as a part of France rather then a colony. Frances other ally Russia was reluctant to aid the French outside Europe.

It is unfair to assume that the colonisation of Africa did not bring some economic advantage to those European nations that engaged in such adventures. A critic of imperialism, J.A Hobson, (Joll 10, p.7) attributed it to economic pressure. Lenin gave a more controversial analysis suggesting that it be due to the saturation of the European markets. He postulated that the only reason for introducing new industrial markets, (a situation that brought all the great European powers into competition with each other) was through applying a large amount of force to territory. This caused rivalry between the European powers that would therefore lead to war. Although the First World War was ultimately fought over European issues, the hope of European gain played a significant part. However there were ways by which the imperialist movement, before 114, had created an atmosphere in Europe that made the possibly of war an reality. The most important of these seemed to be the colonial rivalries and arms race that accompanied them had significantly altered the ways of the international arena. The imperialist movement is also had thought to have encouraged ideas of racial superiority which along with the concepts of an crude evolutionary theory had created a method of justifying world dominance in terms of colonialism.

Perhaps a more convincing argument relating the need for colonial expansion could be found in the fact, that in the case of Britain, it was a method of overcoming depression. The general idea of British businessmen during the 1880s was that a method of overcoming the overproduction of the Great Depression could be solved by a large export into this unknown land.

The economic advantages brought through colonisation can be seen in the development of technology in the European nations. For example the rubber needed for the internal combustion engine came from the rainforests of the Congo. Copper needed for the new electrical and motor industries were found in Zaire and Zambia. Perhaps the most significant find for imperialist came in South Africa, which became the Worlds greatest gold producer and it also had its far share of diamonds. A consequence of this was to be found in the construction of side railways, the profit from such mines was that vast (perhaps a more telling consequence of the demand for diamonds and gold was the South African War of 18-10.). The demand for vegetable oil in Africa played a role in the development of the soap industry.

The colonisation of African land seemed to be made easier through the presence of technologies such as steamships and railways. The accessible of quinine also decreased the death of European in African tropics. It has been argued that the machine may not have evolved as quick as it did if it had not been used in such expeditions.

In 180 Christian missionaries had barely touched the shores of Africa; but the next forty years saw a complete penetration into the African subcontinent. The influence of the missions in order to gain territory in Africa is unknown, as there was no real quest from missionary headquarters in Europe to gain secular empires. However rivalry between Catholic and Protestant missionaries could easily develop; for example, into rivalry between the French and the British governments.


It is difficult to attribute the colonisation of Africa to one particular reason. The four countries that held the majority of African land have been discussed however there were others such as Belgium (Congo) and Portugal (Mozambique). Each country had its own means and reasons for colonisation which was added by the attitude developed by the people of that country (such as Britain) or hindered such as Italy (after the defeat to Ethiopia) and France (after defeat to the British at Fashoda). There were other benefits to the European natures that colonised Africa such her contribution to European painting (initiated by Pablo Picasso around 107) and to a certain degree the science of Anthropology was developed at a rapid pace. However in weighing up the benefits of colonialism, one must question the effect, as its legacy is apparent in the problems of Africa today (Zimbabwe).

Please note that this sample paper on Why was Africa colonised in the years 1870-1914? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Why was Africa colonised in the years 1870-1914?, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Why was Africa colonised in the years 1870-1914? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, May 14, 2020

A rose for emily

If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on a rose for emily. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality a rose for emily paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in a rose for emily, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your a rose for emily paper at affordable prices with cheap custom writing service!

William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" takes place during a period of new thoughts, ideas, and a different way of life for the United States. Faulkner draws a vivid representation of this change that the South faces during the turn of the century. He shows the destruction of the South, represented by the changes of the entire town, as well as the resistance to the changes by Emily and many of the townspeople. In addition to the characters, the house can also be seen as a symbol of the changing South, and as a parallel for Emily and her life.

"A Rose for Emily" is told from the viewpoint of an anonymous resident of the town where the story takes place. In Jefferson, Mississippi, the Grierson family was looked at very highly. Emily was raised by a strict father, which after his passing still feels irreplaceable ties towards him, like any daughter would. Because of him, her ties to the "Old South" remain with her, while holding on to the memories that she has of him. She learned from him to be proud of their old self-heritage.

Emily seems to be the product of a past era and surrounds herself with reminders of the times before. Referred to as a fallen monument in the story, Emily was once a product of what the South once stood for, and has "fallen" when she becomes subjected to death and perishes away (45). Throughout the story, she fades from the strong, effervescent person that she was, to a person in hiding, living in the shadows of her past. This feeling of hers is shown when she keeps her fathers body in the house after he has died, denying that he is even dead. She is unwilling to let go of the past, and is trying to keep hold of everything in the past that remains. All her life, she had been put on a pedestal. But after her father's passing "it got about that the house was all that was left to her, and in a way, people were glad. At last they could pity Miss Emily" (48).

After being abandoned after her father passes away, finding herself lost and alone, she finds herself a lover to whom her strict father would have forbid, for "None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily" (p. 48). Homer represents a change in her life, as he represents the New South and the attitude that starts to invade the town of Jefferson. He was "a Yankee a big, dark, ready man with a big voice and eyes lighter than his face" (48). The people of the town looked on as the "Old South Emily" was seen on "Sunday afternoons driving in the yellow-wheeled buggy" with Homer (48). Eventually, she began to realize that her relationship with Homer was essentially forbidden, due to whom she was and what she was supposed to stand for. Upon the arrival of her cousins, Emily became repulsed with what she was doing, realizing that although she loved and cared for Homer, he represented everything that she was against the ruin of the family and of the Old South. With this, Homer suddenly disappeared, and this is when Emily began to disappear also. She took shelter from the world and the town of new ideas that surrounded her, and took Homer with her, by putting him to rest in the room that they shared together. "From that time on, the front door remained closed" (40).

Help with essay on a rose for emily

The house where Emily hides herself away for years has many parallels with the changing south, as well as Miss Emily herself. The house was "once white, decorated with cupolas and spires and scrolled balconies in the heavily lightsome style of the seventies, set on what had once been our most select street" (46). This house that was once the most beautiful in Jefferson, has now turned into "an eyesore among eyesores" (46). This also parallels with what Miss Emily was once like. At one point, she was standing above the rest, and now only stands out against all of the new townspeople. Times began to change and "cotton gins and auto garages" replaced the houses. Because of these new changes that came along with modernization and industrialization, Emily and her house became the last evidence that showed the refusal to the new ways, her house serving as a visible reminder of this.

The Grierson's house showed her refusal to come out of the past that she was trapped in. When the Board of Alderman arrives at Emily's house questioning about the taxes, "it smelled of dust and disuse a close, dank smell. It was furnished in heavy, leather-covered furniture" (46). When the blinds were drawn, "a faint dust rose sluggishly about their thighs, spinning with slow motes in the single sun-ray" (46). The house was filled with shadows, not only rejecting the sunlight into the house, but the light of the future as well.

Following this grave condition of the house, a similar description is given of Miss Emily. Her appearance is depicted as looking "bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of that pallid hue. Her eyes, lost in the fatty ridges of her face, looked like two small pieces of coal pressed into a lump of dough," much like the previous description of the house (46). But Emily was not always like this. In the portrait with her father, Emily is described as "a slender figure in white in the background," delicate, fresh and full of life. After her father dies, she is described "with a vague resemblance to those angels in colored church windows sort of tragic and serene" (48).

Both the house and the tenant can be seen as suffering with age and abandonment. The darkness and obscurity of the house with a "dim hall from which a stairway mounted into still more shadow" has a tie with Miss Emily herself. (46) She is a "small, fat woman in black…her skeleton small and spare" with a voice that is "dry and cold" (46, 7). After years of seclusion and a yearning to stay in the past, she becomes decayed herself, just as the house becomes. Emily's soul becomes lost in the house, which represents the past and everything she stands for. The soul of the house also becomes lost, as times change. Something that was once so beautiful and grand is now nothing more than an "eyesore."

As changes occur from the movement of the Old South to the New South, transformations are seen all over the town. Just as in the appearance of the town as they "let the contracts for paving the sidewalks" the people of the town turned to "more modern ideas" (48, 46).

At the turn of this new era, some people favored the change while others held on to the past. The town began to change, and those people that agreed with the new thoughts began to step up and realize their own self worth. The newer generation, with its more modern ideas" became the strength of the town (46). As people of the older generation started to move out of Jefferson, in came the fresh, new minds that represented the New South. Emily still felt ties to the Old South, and so continued to hide herself away in her deteriorating house. It is in that house where she slowly deteriorates as a person.

Throughout the story, several characters can be seen to symbolize the changing South that is seen during the story. These key characters still reflect on the "old" ideas before the South began to change, and as it continued to change. Although the entire town is changing before their eyes, this old generation of thoughts and ideas is still present, although it eventually fades away with time. As Daniel Bronson states in his response to this story, "Members of the Old South were very honorable, graceful, and above all, dignified. They had great respect for each other and each other's feelings" (45). These characteristic traits are shown through several characters throughout the story through actions they take for Emily, someone who saw things the same way they did.

Colonel Sartoris, a man who "fathered the edict that no Negro woman should appear on the streets without an apron" still passed on her taxes - the privilege that was given to her after her fathers passing (46). He makes up a story to defend the prior fabricated story, something that "only a man of Colonel Sartoris' generation and thought could have invented" (46). When the Board of Aldermen, of the new generation, come to her house to request her taxes, they view this situation quite differently than Colonel Sartoris did. Emily insists that his word is enough evidence, which the "new" men insist that this is not correct because their new views aren't based on "promises" or "word" but rather the law and "the books." However in the end, they too dismiss her taxes, but only due to the fact that Emily is who she is and because of the promise that Colonel Sartoris had given her.

Another character in the story that still abides by these Old South values is Judge Stevens. When a smell began to invade around Miss Emily's property, the "new" townspeople started complaining. "It was another link between the gross, teeming world and the high and mighty Grierson's" (47). Judge Stevens, being 80 years of age, belongs to the old generation of ideas, just like Emily. When a woman of the town complains of the smell, she insisted that word should be sent to her to stop the smell by asking, "Isn't there a law?" (47). Judge Stevens speaks against word of the new by saying, "Dammit…will you accuse a lady to her face of smelling bad?" (47). This Old South mindset is quite evident regarding the situation with the smell and how Judge Stevens handled it, by showing self-respect to a fellow person of his time. After all, when Emily was alive, she was "a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town" (46).

The situation with receiving the poison at the pharmacy also reflects on the dwindling, but still present spirit of the Old South, despite the changing times. Upon her request for arsenic, the pharmacist says, "If that's what you want. But the law requires you to tell what you are going to use it for" (4). Although Emily basically insisted that this drug be given to her despite the law, the pharmacist complies with her request, even though it really is not permissible. This action by the pharmacist is typical of the values of the Old South, as he shows honor and respect for Miss Emily, realizing that this would help her.

Throughout Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily," a vivid picture is painted of the many changes that occur in the South after the Civil War. As the Old South moves out and the New South moves in, Emily refuses the changes that are occurring in Jefferson, Mississippi, which are bound to happen eventually. After years of fighting against the alterations of this era, she falls victim to it. Just as her house, the death of her father, and the townspeople, she too finally meets the same destiny. "And now Miss Emily had gone to join the representatives of those august names where they lay in the cedar-bemused cemetery" where they rest, signifying the past that Miss Emily tried for so long to hold on to (46).

Please note that this sample paper on a rose for emily is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on a rose for emily, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on a rose for emily will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Craft as Art

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Craft as Art. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Craft as Art paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Craft as Art, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Craft as Art paper at affordable prices!

Craft as Art

Are we regressing? We as humans in a society consumed by bigger, better, faster, stronger more powerful things have finally realised we are losing what has made us human in the first place- what makes us, us and the personalised human touch.

Craft is emerging no longer with the stigma of just being something bored, uneducated housewives just sat around doing in quilting bees, knitting circles and craft corners while their husbands in the role of the breadwinner brought home the bacon.

But at what cost are we discovering this lost art form? Unfortunately for us, we have become unskilled and all the skills of knitting, sewing, crocheting which were for people of our Grandmother's generation second nature. Who can wistfully remember our Granny sitting there teaching us how to knit while patiently telling us that, "one day you will be able to make a nice sweater, dear," while secretly thinking that it would be so much easier to head off to the shops and buy a better one already made, off the rack.

Custom Essays on Craft as Art

When we see our friends wearing what they have discovered their mother's wardrobes full of one-off vintage pieces we wish that we too could own a piece of individuality and uniqueness. We can see this desire to create every day and more and more people are gradually becoming inspired to create something by hand. Something hand made by themselves, which they can proudly say, when asked "I made it myself". This can clearly be seen with the popularity of television programs such as 'Better Homes and Garden's' with the likes of People such as Tonia Todman making "fabulous wall hangings you can make from bits around the house in less that hours." Who doesn't feel that they too can take a break from a world increasingly obsessed with the ready made and disposable objects with planned obsolescence.

The increasing emergence and popularity of Craft's fairs exemplify the human need for the humanness in our everyday lives. Unfortunately for us, this desire comes at a price and the cost of someone's time, dedication, and effort is reflected in what seems to be ridiculously hight prices. It's even harder to comprehend now, the cost of something which has it's own character when we know too well, that we will be buying something our Grandmother's would have just made anyway.

Diana Wood Conroy's article, 'Curating Textiles Tradition as Transgression.' Reminds us that familiar Western archetypes of Art/ Craft must be continually given attention to. She recognises that there is a lot of polarisation with the meanings of the word "Art" and the meaning of the word "Craft". Her article shows us that these too practices are not the far cry from the other as it may originally seem.

Cross disciplining practice across media & into technology involves a theorising of practice, while recognising differences in histories & approaches among studio disciplines.

Both Art and Crafts people have a belief in an intuitive basis for artistic inspiration.

Students of textiles, like those of painting produced work that holds attention from a conceptual understanding & sensitivity to materials and structures. The combining significant concept & developed techniques in the textile medium. Yes, it is true that crafts such as textiles derive from very old tradition but like wise so does painting, so does sculpture. The crafts field became nuanced, differences of philosophical approach, ideology and practice.

The term craft once clearly defined in the 170's 'Craft Revolution', now faceted into myriad positionings blurring divisions between process, function and concept. Craft is commonly identified with the body and thus perceived as non-individual and non-conceptual. While art is associated with the mind & the conceptual with the 'one-off' artwork in a highly individual categorisation of the experience.

Groupings reflect our history, & continue to influence unconscious assumptions.

Craft plays the 'feminine' role to the 'masculine' art world. The strategies of visual art theory- feminist, post-structural & semiotic approaches are equally applicable to the crafts. Current theory suggests that the multiple, the corporeal, the feminine, histories of medium and materiality- all trad. Characteristics of craft-equal relevance to cutting edge art.


The crafts practice covers a multiplicity of perspectives, just as art practice encompasses innumerable styles & intentions. The is increased importance of maintaining some forum for the integration of conceptual sophistication allied with developed craft skills. Using Craft histories to engage in issues of subversion has benefited many notable visual artists who carefully avoid and contextualisation with crafts.

To make textiles that copy visual art in order to attain a de-skilled style seemed to undermine the integrity of the craft process. Rather than craft media being 'appropriated by artists identifying as non-craft artists in major exhibitions, or working within a visual arts style, craft artists should participate fully in their own traditions and histories. When it boils down to it, the strength of craft is craft and craft may give a different resonance and depth to the Australian Art world as a whole.

Likewise Sue Rowley's article, 'Parables of Criticism.' Highlights what we are just beginning to realise the stigma attached to craft, that it is merely an inferior form of art. Art belongs in the museums and galleries while craft belongs in schoolyard fetes and craft markets.

The criticism about art, craft literature & culture should not be seen by artists as a kind of service industry. Many crafts practitioners & writers have a strong sense of belonging to a relatively small community that places high value on cohesiveness.

Don't know each other face to face but there is a strong sense of interrelatedness and shared experiences. This sense of belonging to something which is part of a larger scale experience is incredibly exhilarating.

The "Privatisation" of criticism increasingly shows the veiling of crafts from public address. Sue Rowley states that the exemption of art from criticism is also an exclusion from public intellectual life. In craft communities, fear of ostracism & the partiality of advocacy functions to inhibit the development of critical insight into the crafts at a time when the practice of craft could be enhanced by its inclusion in public intellectual life in Australia.

A great deal of the emerging crafts writing seems to engage in story telling as a mode of interrogation. Not that this is a particularly bad thing, in fact it is quite the opposite the fact that craft shares kinship with folk tales heightens its importance. In Rowley's article she proves this by drawing the parallels between two folk fairy tales, 'Snow white & the Seven Dwarfs' and 'The Emperor's New Clothes'.

Robert Nelson's article, 'Towards a Typology of Small Objects' shows us how people are facing the questions of the viability, the integrity, the destiny of craft. Like Sue Rowley, Robert Nelson is concerned with the positioning of craft in a world consumed with the value of art. He realises that we are lacking in current debates of craft and this is good typology- typology being the method of classifying things made. He suggests that to categorise is to conceptualise and if there is no attempt to describe order, there is no chaos theory, no means of handling, and no critique.

Crafts people frequently begin with their material and let their ideas gel subsequently.

But if design becomes expressive because it looks like it wants to do something- it speaks a language of gesture. It must convey purpose and must therefore suggest a reason for being beyond itself. Everything is for something else. All things made by the human hand (with the possible exception of art) are for something else.

In very recent times painting and sculpture have sealed themselves off from the rest of the world in a museum of conceit. There is a potent motif of interdependence in all things made, an interdependence which is the context of meaning and purpose for each thing. We have to talk of the destiny of objects as though it is nothing but the context which each object makes for each other object.

Items which serve other objects before serving humans are more instrumental than those which serve us directly. We automatically become disgusted if objects and their functions are confused. Nelson shows us the very practical example of if we were to see someone drinking straight from the jug. If we were to see this, we would feel uncomfortable because the jug is not there to drink from, the glass is there to drink from. Therefore, the blurring between the purposes of everyday things make us suspicious of the unfamiliar.

Craft is a powerful purchase on daily life and its history of passionate debate, offers the humanities the ideal context for theory, for examining the way we fundamentally conceive the world.

Kylie Winkworth's article (complete with the different photographs of examples of tea cosies), 'Making Things,' Describes to us that the word craft has been smeared over a whole culture of making things, regardless of distinctions between different types of practice, different levels of skill and different motivations behind the making of things.

Craft is a term used in an indiscriminate application to work of every description- from the mundane and routine to the expert and the original. The parallels between women's crafts of the nineteenth century and recreational crafts today are striking and suggest a continuous culture of crafts practice. The traditional gender roles are explicit textiles and the domestic sphere are for women. While metal and wood belong in the 'man's place' in the shed or garage.

From the vantage point of the craft artist, the work reads as sentimental and lacking in originality, design quality and any level of real skill or invention. The vitality of popular crafts indicates a healthy desire for handmade object and for the experience of making things. The urge to make things is a fundamental point of connection between amateur and professional arts practice.

Anne Brennan and Nola Anderson, 'An exploration of memory, theory and making'.

Show us the very powerful analogy of the Wedding Ring, and like Robert Nelson's article describe what happens when objects are used for a purpose which is different than the purpose it was originally made for. They state that objects should not be used for any other purpose than which it has been made.

We have to reinvent ways of talking about the crafts and materials, processes, functions, ornament, symbol and medium histories, in order to salvage an awareness of the personal richness that an object embodies. Craft is more to do with the way of living than with the way of constructing theories.

In the existing system we separate the artist from the art. We insist that the art object alone can embody all meaning and that it alone bears the responsibility for value.

The art object is autonomous and makes its own rules of progression. Ie. one style or period supersedes another. When this is applied to crafts we divorce these objects from those things which have breathed meaning into them, that is the artists life & the way the object participates in our lives.

Please note that this sample paper on Craft as Art is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Craft as Art, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Craft as Art will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, February 14, 2020

'Much Ado about Nothing' in fact has a great deal to say about love and marriage. What is Shakespeare trying to tell us about relationships between men and women? Compare the play's treatment of love with that in 'Silas Marner'.

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on 'Much Ado about Nothing' in fact has a great deal to say about love and marriage. What is Shakespeare trying to tell us about relationships between men and women? Compare the play's treatment of love with that in 'Silas Marner'.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality 'Much Ado about Nothing' in fact has a great deal to say about love and marriage. What is Shakespeare trying to tell us about relationships between men and women? Compare the play's treatment of love with that in 'Silas Marner'. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in 'Much Ado about Nothing' in fact has a great deal to say about love and marriage. What is Shakespeare trying to tell us about relationships between men and women? Compare the play's treatment of love with that in 'Silas Marner'., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your 'Much Ado about Nothing' in fact has a great deal to say about love and marriage. What is Shakespeare trying to tell us about relationships between men and women? Compare the play's treatment of love with that in 'Silas Marner'. paper at affordable prices with cheap essay writing service!

'Much Ado about Nothing'

Literature Essay

'Much Ado about Nothing' in fact has a great deal to say about love and marriage. What is Shakespeare trying to tell us about relationships between men and women? Compare the play's treatment of love with that in 'Silas Marner'.

IntroductionCheap College Papers on 'Much Ado about Nothing' in fact has a great deal to say about love and marriage. What is Shakespeare trying to tell us about relationships between men and women? Compare the play's treatment of love with that in 'Silas Marner'.

The main bulk of the story of Shakespeare's 'Much Ado about Nothing' is built around the theme of love. In this play Shakespeare puts across his views about love and relationships between men and women. I believe that one of the messages he was meaning to put across was that for a relationship to work, it is very important that the people know each other and they also need to know themselves. He says a lot about relationships between men and women through four of the play's coupled characters. The relationships between these two couples contrast greatly. One (between Beatrice and Benedick) is built on solid, deep foundations. They have history between them and know each other well. The other partnership (between Claudio and Hero) is built on shallow foundations on physical attraction, infatuation. These two are much younger than the wiser Beatrice and Benedick. They don't know each other and have had no previous experience of being together. I will study the comparisons between these two relationships as well as studying some other relationships involved in the play.

Benedick and Beatrice

At first, Beatrice and Benedick behave very immaturely and childishly towards each other. It seems they really do hate and can't stand one another, but at the same time it seems they can't have enough of each other's company. They prove they are interested and do actually care by the way one always talk about the other to their friends, even if it they do speak of them with resent. The fact that they are constantly thinking about each other shows that they are interested.

They are constantly throwing cruel insults at each other and battling in a 'merry war'. Throughout most of the play, every time they meet a fight breaks out between them. The first thing Beatrice says about Benedick is to call him "Signor Mountanto", which is a very insulting remark, calling him stuck up and bigheaded. All their wit is used in throwing insults at each other. In lines 115-40 she refers to his love, possibly their relationship in the past, and scorns many aspects of his character. In her opinion he is unpleasant and despicable. She is not at all gentle in her remarks. They are passionate with hatred. But she protests against Benedick excessively, which suggests she may actually like him. "Faith niece, you tax Signor Benedick too much" (1141) even Leonato comments on her being too harsh on Benedick (who in fact is not really quite as vicious towards Beatrice as she is to him).

There is a struggle for supremecy between them, a fight for power. One possible reason behind the power struggle is that they do care about each other. There is a kind of inverted mutual respect for the opponent.

The two have a lot in common. They both are very strong-minded and witty, intelligent, worldly-wise and perceptive. These very similar characters both are also highly cynical about love and marriage. Benedick is always saying how little he trust women and that he would rather die than love. Their view on love and marriage may have been affected by hurt in the past. Because they have some kind of romantic history between them they know each other very well. This allows them to really be able to poke at each other's characters in this childish war. But, the fact they know each other so well means that they must be accustomed to their company and behaviour and have seen and know all sides of their personalities. This is an advantage which would be a great strength to a relationship.

Beatrice and Benedick mature gradually through the play. By the end, Benedick is no longer always fooling about by the end of the play. Before, you could never be sure if he is serious or not, but as he matures he becomes more sincere. Their increase in maturity also leads to an increase in respect for each other and the learning and realising of their true feelings.

Shakespeare makes the point that for relationships to work, some tests have to be endured. Beatrice and Benedick's relationship endures some tests, the biggest of which is targeted upon Benedick the two words Beatrice speaks on line 4185 after the wedding lead Benedick into having to make a very difficult choice. "Kill Claudio"… It is a test for Benedick to find out for himself how much he really loves Beatrice. If he walked away at that, their relationship would surely be over. He has just seconds to search for a mature decision inside himself, and he makes the choice of rejecting his friends, rejecting his reputation in society, rejecting being an honourable soldier, just to be with her. This is where he realises that he really is in love with her, and she infers from his answer that he is serious about it, meaning she will then start to realise that she really loves him too. Shakespeare is saying that every relationship will have its crisis points. Benedick passes his test, gets through the crisis point, resulting in a stronger relationship with Beatrice. Claudio, however, fails this test, which shows his weakness in his youth, inexperience and naivety.

Claudio and Hero

The relationship between Claudio and Hero is a lot weaker and unrealistic than that between Beatrice and Benedick. Their behaviour towards each other is naïve, immature and untrusting. What happens in the disastrous wedding scene is an example of their lack of trust in each other and how little they know one another. Because they haven't been in each other's company for long, and they don't know each other well at all, they aren't wary of the bad sides of each other's characters. They haven't seen the worst of each other, so they will be unprepared when the worst of them show.

Hero doesn't make decisions for herself. She has a childlike dependence on society and her father to grow and develop her, make her choices for her. Leonato (her father) tells her what to do with her life and who to love. She is expected by her father to accept any decent proposal which comes to her. Leonato is very much in control of her life, which is shown in the quote "Well niece, I trust you will be ruled by your father" (14). In Act Scene 1 Claudio proposes to Hero. She seems unable to answer for herself, and is told by Leonato to accept the proposal.

Hero is very innocent, naïve and also very quiet. Shakespeare doesn't give Hero much dialogue at all. In doing this he could be putting across a point that this is an example of how a woman should behave in a relationship, or that a stronger relationship requires more communication.

Leonato and Hero

Because he is so wrapped up in the society of Messina and his position in the society, Leonato is unable to really show his love for Hero. He does love her but they aren't very close and this is shown in the wedding scene. It proves that Leonato doesn't really know his daughter; otherwise he would have known for sure that Hero was completely innocent at the time of the wrongful accusation. The fact that Leonato was willing to believe the slander directed against Hero and her apparently undamaged love for him is a sign of how Leonato doesn't know his daughter and how he doesn't trust her enough to be sure that she is innocent.

Don John and Don Pedro

Don John and Don Pedro have a relationship which isn't very close at all and it's quite competitive, but most of the competition is coming from Don John, who perhaps is jealous of his brother. Don Pedro is a highly respected man of great stature and has a good reputation in society. Don John, being the bastard that he is, doesn't get the same kind of respect and affection.

Don Pedro is an instrument of harmony, bringing people together. He is a symbol of righteousness, justice and good. Don John is a nasty piece of work, a very resentful, mischievous, malicious character. He is a misanthropist, hating everyone especially his brother Don Pedro.

Although they have completely different personalities, Don John and Don Pedro have a few similarities. They both inspire loyalty in their followers. Don John has Borachio and Conrade, Don Pedro has Benedick and Claudio (though Benedick leaves his side for Beatrice). The difference in that though is that Conrade and Borachio's loyalty for Don John is inspired by money and evil, whereas Claudio and Benedick's loyalty to Don Pedro is inspired more by friendship and honour (they are all soldiers). They also both share an absence of romance in their lives.

Comparison with 'Silas Marner'

Both 'Much Ado about Nothing' and 'Silas Marner' revolve around the theme of love and relationships, and the troubles which are encountered on the road to happy-ever-after. Similarities are seen between Silas and characters in the play. For example, Silas and Hero were both falsely accused and cast out from their social groups; Silas and Benedick both have little trust in women after hurt in their history with women; Silas Marner and a number of characters in the play all mature during the stories and, after some crises, eventually find light and happiness.

Silas Marner- by George Elliot

Much Ado About Nothing- William Shakespeare

Please note that this sample paper on 'Much Ado about Nothing' in fact has a great deal to say about love and marriage. What is Shakespeare trying to tell us about relationships between men and women? Compare the play's treatment of love with that in 'Silas Marner'. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on 'Much Ado about Nothing' in fact has a great deal to say about love and marriage. What is Shakespeare trying to tell us about relationships between men and women? Compare the play's treatment of love with that in 'Silas Marner'., we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on 'Much Ado about Nothing' in fact has a great deal to say about love and marriage. What is Shakespeare trying to tell us about relationships between men and women? Compare the play's treatment of love with that in 'Silas Marner'. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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