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The failure of prohibition
In 1 the prohibition laws were cancelled. Source A is written by the president of the American federation of labour, Samuel Gamper who is addressing the senate committee inquiry into prohibition. This tells us a, few things already. Firstly it shows that a committee had been set up to inquire about prohibition showing that already, even in 1, when this speech was made, people were wondering whether prohibition was a good idea. The fact that Gamper was able to speak to the committee shows that the committee was aware that there was a problem and so were willing to listen to people's points of views. The fact that the speech was made so early, just after prohibition was introduce shows that right from the start, it was obvious that prohibition was going to an had already caused some problems. The speech itself claims that not allowing American 'a glass o beer' causes industrial unrest and unhappiness. Gamper also claimed that radicals in Detroit were gaining support from the factory workers. Lastly he states that prohibition and other unfair laws were bound to breed communism.
Source b is by a historian written in 17 discussing why wealthy business men opposed prohibition. The historian writes that taxes collected had risen considerably and therefore the businessmen whose opinion may have been valued due to their influential positions
, thought that if legal alcohol as well as its tax was restored, the tax burden would be gone. He writes that they estimated that alcohol tax would be enough to pay off the entire debt of the USA in les than 15 years.
Source c shows a picture of an anti prohibiton demonstration. This shows that many people felt strongly about this issue and were willing to publicly protest about it. Their points of protest include the fact that foreign vassals are profiting from Americas tourist trade; that prohibition is running our merchant mantle; four million soldiers fought for liberty and their reward was to have prohibition implemented which was unfair an that there is nothing with which o care for American crippled soldiers.
Finally source d shows a newspaper cutting. This tells that there is obviously enough controversy about the prohibition issue that a newspaper is willing to feature bias views on the subject. This particular article puts forward in a sarcastic manner, the points that prohibition is ineffective, it creates crime within the USA and it is wasting money.
To conclude, there were many reasons why prohibition was repealed of which those above are a few examples. We also know that the brewers were against prohibition because it cost them money and put them out of business. Immigrants resented that they could no longer drink when they came to America. Hotel owners were angry about the business they were loosing. Many leagues such as the AAPA were set up against prohibition. It was found that even some women were anti prohibition.
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