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Should Israel be Muslim or Jewish?
That's a very interesting question, however I am unable to make this decision because I believe that neither of these two religions give those people the hope for the future that is found in the bible.
I feel the question that is more relevant is "How can a person (not a nation) know which religion is right?" The best way to do this is to consider seriously the following questions about religion.
1) On what are its teachings based?Are they from god or are they largely from men? The Bible says at Timothy 16, 17- All scriptures are inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.
For Example the bible does not teach that the human soul is immortal, to the contrary the Bible says at Ecclesiastes 5 "For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten".
) Consider whether it is making known the name of God.
Jesus said in prayer to god "I made your name manifest to the men you gave me out of the world"(John 176) Also Jesus declared "It is Jehovah your god you must worship and to him alone you must render sacred service"(Matt 410). Has your religion taught you that 'it is Jehovah you must worship'? Have you come to know the Person identified by that name-his purposes, his activities, his qualities-so that you can confidently draw close to him?
) Is it largely ritualistic or is it a way of life?
God strongly disapproves of religion that is merely formalism. (Isa. 115-17) True religion upholds the Bible's standard of morality and clean speech instead of weakly going along with popular trends. (1 Cor. 5-1; Eph. 5-5) Its members reflect the fruits of God's spirit in their lives. So, those who adhere to true worship can be identified because they sincerely endeavor to apply Bible standards in their lives not only at their places of meeting but in their family life, at their secular work, in school, and in recreation.
4) Do its members truly love one another?
Jesus said "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you truly have love among yourselves." (John 15) Such love reaches across racial, social, and national boundaries drawing people together in genuine brotherhood. So strong is this love that it sets them apart as being truly different. When the nations go to war, who have enough love for their Christian brothers in other lands that they refuse to take up arms and kill them? That is what early Christians of the first Century did and is what true Christians continue to do today.
So in answer to the question, "Should Israel be Muslim or Jewish", I believe each person has the right to choose their own religion, because after all their everlasting future depends on it. The Bible is a precious gift from God. It is like a letter from a loving father to his children. It tells us the truth about God - who he is and what he stands for. It explains how to cope with problems and how to find true happiness. The Bible alone tells us what we must do to please God. �Psalm 11-; Isaiah 4817, 18.
Jamie-lee Smith 10SP
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