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islam as a religion finds itself in a big contradiciton with democracy. therefore, muslim people should not have acces to high position in govrnement for fear that they turn democracies into muslim states, where violence and terror are used to abuse human rights.
islam as a religion in books might be a good religion, but in practics, this religion has prooven that no country adopting this religion was able to become a democracy built on freedom of speech and human rights.
in muslim regimes, woman rights are very abused. law of the charia replace the international human rights, dictator regimes forbid a good peacful relation with the entourage.
discrimination and racism are the tools used by muslim people abroad in order to hide their hypocrisie, and be able to use their network to spread and organise their fundamentalist terorist groupsOrder Custom islam in politics paper
therefore, democracies, have to be careful. immigration present a big danger.
after all this said and done, we therefor require that states should be very careful with immigration because it is the door by wich those groups infaltrate.
dealing with racism, discrimination is a big problem, because the people might use it as a cover.
thereby, people should make the religion restricted, and make sure that children ar enot being endoctrinated, by passing quizes in schools.
schools should have councelors that can detect children presenting religious disorder.
the police should infiltrate the religious groups and make sure that they are not promoting fanatism and hatred toward what they call the infidels or the non muslim people.
the latest war on terrorism is prooving how this invisble ennemy is vbery dangerous because of his mobility and the fact that he is not a clear body.
they also hide under the mask of civilians.
this is a tremendous danger that has to be dealt with very seriousle before the suicide bomings spread from tel aviv to new york to paris.
arabs communities are very large and they have a very high number of chcildren.
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